Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm Such a Slacker

Yes, it's true. My last post was in November 2007. That's, um, 7 months ago. I can only plead Christmas, then New Year's, then, um, well..

Let's just call me a slacker.

So I'm on the phone with my best friend the other night and she says, "What happened to the writing?" I couldn't even think about what she was talking about. "The blog." Oh yeah, that.

I'm such a slacker.

I logged in for the first time in 7 months, read some of my past posts, and thought, "You know, I'm not half bad at this writing thing." So I'm back - for better or worse. And the topic today is Men.

Okay guys, start groaning. You ladies, you might be more sympathetic. As I read this, the hubby is stretched out, sound asleep, on the deck swing. All things considered, it's not a bad place to spend a sunny afternoon. But this sleeping man confuses me.

A friend of mine at work, a theater guy who describes himself as "having no boundaries," has been trying to help me understand. It's working - sort of. I mean, I still don't get a lot of things, but hey, at least I know they are common to the male gender and not just my bedroom. For example:

A couple months ago, the hubby got a bee in his bonnet about my wedding dress. It all started with me mentioning I've lost about 20 pounds in the past year (thank you, thank you). All of a sudden, "Where's your wedding dress? Wouldn't it be interesting to try it on and see if it still fits?" Uh, no? Not really interested. He badgered my brother about bringing it down from the old family homestead. My brother says, "What's with the wedding dress?" No idea. Well, that's not true. Truth is, I suspect the hubby of having fantasies - a fetish as the friend would describe them. Everybody I mentioned this to, including women, thought it was bizarre. Definitely a fetish - definitely about sex. I will never find out because once the dress arrived, I showed it to The Girl, and put it in the attic. I have pictures if I want to remember my wedding dress. I don't need to play dress-up.

Are men capable of touching their wives in a way that is not sexual? I mean honestly guys - there's a point at which touching becomes pawing. I really don't mind if you don't spend every minute with your hand on my, um, chest (trying to keep it G here, folks). Apparently men do not see a difference between holding hands and fondling. I do. 'Nuff said.

And here's the kicker. The Boy graduated from kindergarten today. So I made plans to take the whole day off and suggested the hubby might want to do the same. "What for?" he says. Well, to do something together, without kids - you know alone. Couple things. Like go out to breakfast, come home, have a little "fun" without having to lock the door to prevent unwelcome interruptions (so to speak). I would have expected some enthusiasm for that proposal. I got a shrug and "We'll see." Huh???

Even my friend doesn't understand that reaction.

Men complain about not understanding women. I've got news for you, guys. I'll be married 12 years this August. Been together for 14. I still don't understand this man of mine.

And I'm starting to think I never will.