Monday, July 7, 2008

What Pretty Spots You Have!

So I've discovered the main consequence (visually, that is) of these injections. A quarter-sized red spot at the injection site. I mean, I know the literature mentioned redness and swelling, but this is ridiculous. I look like I've got welts, as if I've slapped myself with a belt or something. But just on my legs - it doesn't seem to happen on my arms. What a lovely look down at the pool.

And how scary is this. I decided to try calling around to find out what I should do with this red, bio-hazard sharps container once it's full. All the web sites and phone numbers I was referred to (and that are included on an EPA pamphlet The Hubby picked up) are of no use. There is either no listings for my area, or I'm redirected to companies that want to sell me containers and mailers. Thanks, but I don't need to buy containers. I'll get one every month.
So I decide to call my municipality. Lady directs me to Allied Waste Disposal, the company that does our municipal trash pickup. They can't take bio-hazard containers. Fair enough, but then the girl says, "You can just dump the needles in a plastic milk jug or 2-liter pop container, and then tape the lid shut and throw it in your regular trash. That we can take." Excuse me??? Just what else are you putting in landfills?
So I swallow my pride and email the wife of the former religious ed director. She tells me that she just wraps her containers in tape - duct tape - to disguise them and hides them in her garbage, and that this is what the Allegheny County Health Department told her to do!!!!!!
Now, I am no medical expert, but it strikes me as odd that a county health department and a municipal waste company are so blase about this. I mean the friggin' EPA publishes literature specifically stating that this stuff should not be thrown in the garbage. A plastic milk jug? Yeah, that will hold up to needle punctures - NOT!
So now I'm a bit perplexed. I shall try calling the Health Department myself. If they actually confirm this idiocy (medical waste in the trash - really?), I will call one of these companies to see if I can just purchase the mailers.
And if I can't get a satisfactory answer, I just might be calling KDKA with a news scoop. Guess what Allied Waste is putting in your landfill? Story at 11.

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