Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Reflections

2009 arrived with a bang and a splat in our house. The bang was from someone in the neighborhood setting off fireworks. The splat was from The Girl throwing up a 2:00 a.m. (she had emptied her stomach twice earlier in the evening - no fever, just vomit). The fireworks are over, and I think the vomiting might be too (although I'm keeping her on Coke and dry toast until I'm sure this time - she's not happy with me).

But now that the noise and mess is over, here are some reflections as we start 2009.

Resolutions - Two of them
Yes, I know resolutions are passe, but I think I can keep these.

#1 - Use the F-bomb less
My co-workers should have a good laugh at this one.

Every year for Lent (you know, that period before Easter where everybody thinks Catholics are wallowing in guilt, but is really about getting rid of the things that keep you from God) I give up swearing. And I do it. It hasn't even been particularly hard the last couple years - probably a sign that I should give up something else this year, but I digress.

Every year after Lent, the swearing returns. Full force. And the frequency with which I drop the f-bomb has gotten embarrassing. I'm an educated woman for crying out loud. I have no problem keeping it "G" at home or around my kids, but at work? Well...

Now, I have a friend who does not think this is a problem. I'm not really offending anyone. Except me. I have another friend, an ordained deacon in the Orthodox church, who also doesn't necessarily think this is a problem. There are good times for such language.

Unfortunately, my "good time" seems to be "all the time." Not good - at least not for me.

Thus my resolution. Note that it is not to give up swearing completely, nor to give up the f-bomb completely. Just cut back. Reserve it for the most appropriate situations. I think this is achievable.

#2 - Exercise More
One of the most popular resolutions and one most often failed.

Again, I'm not looking for miracles here. Continuing balance issues and a troublesome knee have put the kibosh on really vigorous exercise (I can't even walk briskly anymore - fell over at last year's Race for the Cure). But I have to do something. Taking the stairs twice a day at work is not enough. I feel like I'm turning into a sedentary lump and at 35, the metabolism isn't what it used to be.

So Santa brought a Wii Fit for Christmas. I'm hoping this does the trick. No, it won't help me lost 20 pounds or get ready to run a marathon, but that's not the point. I don't want to be an uber athlete, just not a couch potato. Some yoga and some light aerobics should do that. I'd love to join the pilates class that is being offered at The Girl's dance studio, but who has the time? The Wii Fit is in my basement - no excuses. There's no money and there's no place I have to travel to use it.

I'll keep you posted on my progress.

New for 2009 - Facebook
I've been resisting the Facebook phenomenon for, well, a long time. Why such resistance? Because. I'm not terribly big on social networking sites. God only knows who is out there watching me. And I've got enough drains on my time. So why cave now?

Because while there are a ton of people from high school with whom I have no interest in connecting, there are a significant number of people from college with whom I'd really like to find again. Surprise, surprise - they are almost all on Facebook. Including a very dear friend who was a bridesmaid in my wedding and who never can seem to write regularly, and a guy who I had the biggest crush on my junior year (he turned out to be gay, but that's a different story).

Email alone just doesn't cut it. I understand - in a hectic world, even finding time to write an email can be challenging. So if Facebook is all about being able to reach out and "touch" someone quickly, so be it.

Hopefully it will not be a time sink. I think it won't. First off, I'm almost positive I can't get to it at work, so there's 10 hours of Facebook free time. Second, I sometimes get home and don't want to look at a computer. And sometimes I just shouldn't if I want to have a happy marriage. I mean look how frequently I write in this blog. I should be able to behave myself.

Oh, and all you HATT-OT people - no Wordscraper. I suck at those games - it's the whole spatial aspect.

Also new for 2009 - Wii
This I'm looking forward to.

Santa brought a Wii (I'm sure you figured that out when I mentioned the Wii Fit) and Mario Kart. I can't play FPS games with friends from work - either the computer isn't up to spec, or I don't have the time (there's that whole peaceful marriage thing again), or I suck.

But I play Mario Kart on the DS at lunch and I don't totally suck. I don't totally suck on the Wii either. And lots of people at work have Wiis and Mario Kart.

I'm sure you see where I'm going with this.

Plus the kids and I have a blast playing together. The hubby not so much, but that's his loss.

Now if only I can find my Friends codes, I'll be set.

2008's Biggest Web Sensation
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog is on DVD! Available on 'Nuff said.

Patience, Young Grasshopper
Patience, I need it - NOW.

Patience at work to deal with people who just don't get it - any of it. No, you cannot have that thing that will take six months to develop tomorrow. Yes, you have to fill out the support request ticket correctly to actually get an answer. Yes, you really should pass this information on to your client. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Patience at home to deal with kids who will turn 7 and 9 this year (egads, I've been a mother for almost a decade). It's true - it doesn't get any easier as they get older.

Patience at home to deal with a husband. This is tough because all the hubby seems to want these days is, well, you know. It's a longer post for a different day, but let's just say that if he wasn't such an ardent opponent of porn, I'd get him a subscription and a blow-up doll.

Patience to deal with, well, everything.

Please God, grant me patience - now if you wouldn't mind.


So 2009 is here - bring it on.

Well, you can wait until after I shower.

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